a collaboration with Darquer Lace of Calais, continues with Darquer & Méry, Lace of Calais-Caudry since 1840

Tears and Lace, photomicrograph,The Topography of Tears © 2013 Rose-Lynn Fisher

Tears and Lace in Schiaparelli, by Bertrand Guyon - Les vase communicants
photo: Frederic Collier for Paris Match

Tears and Lace featured in Savoir & faire: Les Textiles, published by Actes Sud, 2020 in chapter on French Lace by Sophie Henwood, Museum of Lace and Fashion, Calais

The Art of Lace, Textiel Museum, Tilburg, NL 2020, curated by Sylvie Marot

The Art of Lace, Textiel Museum, Tilburg, NL 2020

Tears & Lace / Schiaparelli gown, tear photomicrograph, The Art of Lace, Textiel Museum, Tilburg, NL 2020

Tears & Lace in Schiaparelli, by Bertrand Guyon / The Art of Lace, Textiel Museum, Tilburg, NL 2020 photo: William van der Voort

2018 Haute Dentelle exhibition, curated by Sylvie Marot, at Museum of Lace, Calais, FR link

exhibit caption

2018 Tears &
Lace in Schiaparelli, by Bertrand Guyon - Haute Dentelle exhibition

Tears &
Lace in a creation by Bertrand Guyon, Schiaparelli - Haute Dentelle exhibition

Curator Sylvie Marot presentation, Haute Dentelle, Museum of Lace and Fashion, Calais 2018

Presentation, Haute Dentelle, Museum of Lace and Fashion, Calais 2018

2015 Chantilly lace: Tears & Lace by Rose-Lynn Fisher for Darquer Lace of Calais

2015 Chantilly lace: Tears & Lace by Rose-Lynn Fisher for Darquer Lace of Calais

2018 Chantilly lace:Tears & Lace by Rose-Lynn Fisher for Darquer Lace of Calais

Darquer factory, Calais, France © Rose-Lynn Fisher 2016

Olivier Noyon and Rose-Lynn Fisher at Academy of Architecture, Hotel de Chaulnes, Place des Vosges, Paris

Topography of Tears popup exhibition, Academy of Architecture, Hotel de Chaulnes, Place des Vosges, Paris, 2016
at launch of new collection of Darquer Lace